Florida Fish and Wildlife Seeks Public’s Help with Lionfish Invasion

Florida’s lionfish invasion has become so dire that the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission have changed some fishing rules to allow for more people to start catching the pests in order to save their reefs. Lionfish, native to the Indo-Pacific, are indiscriminate predators, with virtually no natural predators of their own in these foreign waters. They gobble up literally anything and everything, including juvenile species who haven’t yet had a chance to spawn. Reports of reefs devoid of any fish save for lionfish are increasing, which opens up the lionfishing arena to just about anyone who can handle a spear. The changed rules are effective through August 2013, and are as follows:

A recreational fishing license is not required when using a Hawaiian sling, pole spear, handheld net, or any other device designed specifically for catching lionfish.
There is no recreational or commercial bag limit for lionfish.

These changes apply only to …

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